Affiliate Disclosure participates in affiliate advertising programs, which are designed to provide a means for websites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to carefully selected product retailers and service providers. This means that through the affiliate links on our website, may earn a commission when someone purchases a product or service from one of our carefully reviewed partners.

As a member-supported website, affiliate commissions help us offset the high costs associated with producing reliable, unbiased content and maintaining our platform. They also compensate us for the time our staff spends thoroughly reviewing potential affiliate partners.

We have implemented measures to ensure that our affiliate status does not influence our reviews and recommendations:

  1. We thoroughly research each affiliate, including evaluating their reputation, pricing, return policies, and overall value. We reject more offers than we accept to maintain our standards.
  2. Affiliates do not influence the products or services we choose to introduce and advertise. Our recommendations are based on objective testing and evaluation to best serve our members.
  3. We aim to provide balanced reviews of products and services, highlighting both benefits and limitations. Advertising content is clearly labeled.
  4. If a product or service does not meet our quality standards, we will refuse to promote that product or service, even if it means foregoing affiliate commissions.

Please be aware that while may earn affiliate income when readers purchase products or services through website links, our reviews and recommendations are not influenced by any affiliate partnerships. We only promote products, services, and retailers that we fully trust and believe will genuinely benefit our members and website visitors.

Thank you for being a valued reader! Please refer to our full Affiliate Disclosure page for more details on how affiliate advertising supports’s mission to provide objective fitness guidance.